Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 11:31 AM 2 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports Various about Zoomer
Saturday, August 25, 2007
- HONDA: cosa scrivere ancora sullo Zoomer? Le immagini e il blog parlano da sole. Aggiungo solo una cosa: lo Zoomer fa più di 40 km con un litro di benzina verde, con o senza variatore Polini. Mantenendo la velocità costante, ne fa quasi 50. Roba dell'altro mondo.
- POLINI: Zed monta il variatore realizzato appositamente dalla Polini per lo Zoomer; grazie a questo piccolo intervento Zed è passato dai 45 kmh originali a più di 60, rimanendo sempre estrememente fluido, morbido nella sua erogazione. Dettaglio non da poco: il variatore sembra non incidere affatto sui consumi. Ora credo monterò il kit completo... Grazie Polini!
- MOMO DESIGN per il casco.
- BLOGGER: un grazie di cuore per i blog gratuiti e soprattutto per la possibilità di postare tramite cellulare & mail.
- NOKIA, per l'ottimo cellulare N70.
- QUECHUA: per la tenda e il materassino ultraprofessionali ed extracompatti che mi hanno permesso di alleggerire di molto il carico sullo Zoomer. Davvero essenziali e, per quanto mi riguarda, con un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo.
- ARNETTE per i sunglasses.
- EASTPAK per l'indistruttibile zaino tenuto sotto il sellino dello Zoomer
- ANDY STRAPZ per la fantastica borsa che tenevo tra le gambe. Resiste a qualsiasi condizione climatica: iperconsigliata!
- INVICTA per lo zaino che tenevo sempre in spalla.
- CARHARRT per la Zoomer t-shirt e per il solo fatto di aver realizzato kit specifici di abbigliamento e stickers per lo Zoomer.
Here' a list of the brands that made my life easier during this fantastic 3-weeks-trip in Sardinia.
- HONDA: there's nothing more to say about Honda. Just one thing: with a liter of fuel, Zoomer runs for a range of 40-45 kms, especially if the speed is always the same, around 55 km/h. That's magic.
- POLINI: to make Zoomer a litttle bit faster than the original 45 kms, I have a Polini Speed variator. It works like a motherfucker: the speed goes to 60-65 kms, with no difference regarding the use of fuel. Ehehehe a touch of Italy for the japanise jewel.
- MOMO DESIGN for the helmet.
- NOKIA for the N70, a great mobile phone.
- BLOGGER, for the free blog and the chance to update it by mobile & email.
- QUECHUA for the ultraprofessional and extracompact tent & mattress for the camping. Thanks to those 2 fundametal accessories I saved so much space, weight and volume. very professional at a reasonable cost.
- ARNETTE for sunglasses (I have the AN4041 model).
- EASTPAK for the indestructible backpack under the seat.
- ANDY STRAPZ, for the fantastic expedition pannier I had among my legs. You'll have no problem of rain with that thing. Big capability, pro materials... just great
- INVICTA for the backpack I had always on my shouders.
- CARHARTT: just for the fact they decided to create a clothing line for the Honda Zoomer; of course I started to buy the t-shirt. Thanxx guys!!!
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 10:10 AM 1 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
In ogni caso ciò non sigifica che Zed non abbia bisogno di qualche massaggio. Ma si tratta di dettagli. In primo luogo cambierò il filtro, poi farò vedere i freni, che iniziavano a fischiare. E poi voglio far controllare i rulli del variatore: è probabile che siano un po' consumati. Ma vi renderete conto che si tratta davvero di inezie, stupidaggini.
Dunque... Beh, resta il fatto che ho esaurito gli aggettivi per parlare di Zed. E' in ogni caso qualcosa di fuori dal comune, mettiamola così, con un eufemismo.
Se posso permettermi un suggerimento: se volete una moto, comprate Honda. Non sono solo io a dirvelo, ma la maggior parte dei bikers con cui ho parlato. Se poi comparte uno Zoomer entrerete direttamente in paradiso, su due ruote.
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Well, the time for a report has come. About the Honda Zoomer, pictures are clear. Apart from the dust and the sand that covers Zed, I didn't touch it at all. Nothing. The only thing I did in 2264 kms was to fill the oil - somethig like 1/2 liter - and that's it. And Im talking about more than 2200 km with a 50 cc!!!
I had just one moment of panic. It was yesterday morning: Zed was running slow, especially on the way up. I was frightened cause I was in the middle of nothing and, well, it started to rain, like the night before. And I had to drive for like 250 km towards Olbia, to catch the ship. In the meantime my mom called me, I explained the situation and she said maybe there's a problem with the sparking plug. Well, I thought, it could be! With all the dust and the sand maybe my mother is right. So I stopped from an electrician to check it, but when he heard the bike starting in a perfect way he said no man, you have no troubles with the sparking plug. I told him about the rain, and he said cool, the problem is just this. Some water and humidity in the body of the scooter. And yes, it was the right answer. As the sun appeared again among the clouds, Zoomer started to work again as it was brand new. I want to underline: 'troubles' doesn't mean at all that the scooter stopped leaving me in the middle of nothing; it just means Zed was a little bit slow, 10 kms less than normal, most of all - as I sayd before - on rises. That's it. I have just to wait for some sun, and Zommer started again to run, and I ws able to keep a 50-55 kms speed range as far as Olbia.
So, that's the true: Zoomer is unstoppable. You can go everywhere, in every condition, wherever you want. I cant explain it, it seems impossible for a 50 cc, but you can see with your own eyes what I did in 20 days.
Ok, it doesnt mean Zommer has to be 'examined' by a mechanic... yes, of course... Maybe Ill have to work ok brakes, maybe on the polini speed control variator, but you know, details.
At the end of the day: if you want a perfect motorbike, buy a Honda. Apart from my personal experience, I spoke with lots of bikers everywhere, and the answer was always the same. And if you'll buy a Zoomer, you'll drive straight to paradise, on two wheels.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 12:05 AM 1 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Friday, August 24, 2007
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After a trip from Genova to Turin in just 4,30 hrs (many pit stops included), Im again at home, in Turin. The counter is at 11057 kms. It means exactly 2269 kms in less than 3 weeks... What have I to say???
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 1:43 PM 1 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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And the ship goes, one our late... Ciao sardinia! Thanx to all lovely sardinian people I met there. See you next year!
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 12:04 AM 2 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 10:26 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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Yesyesyes, after more than 250 kms in one day Im in Olbia. We suffered a lot today, both me and Zed, but panoramas and satisfaction are unique. and now at the port: all bikers looks and asks lot of questions about Zed, eheheheh. This fantastic trip is close to the end, but its just the first! Thanxx Zed the Zoomer!
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 9:22 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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Incredible! How many times old geezers tol me Zommer looks like an old Lambretta? Well, here they are! The old sister and the young brother.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 7:01 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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Well, 2000 kms in sardinia with a Zoomer... I have no words. Honda & Zed I LOVE YOU!
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 5:03 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 4:58 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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What you see in the distance is Gorropu canyon, the deepest in europe.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 4:55 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 4:51 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 3:12 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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Here Im on the statale 125, my favourite one and considered the most panoramic of all.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 3:06 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
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A ghost village on the road to olbia... Gairo Vecchio.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 12:46 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The panorama here is just great. Im happy I can share it with everybody, also by internet. The Janas Village Hotel is fantastic, and Im waiting fot the dinner with local producs...
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 9:08 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA
The most importan village of Barbagia di Seulo region, Seui.
Pubblicato da LSSNDR a 8:12 PM 0 commenti
Zoomer, Honda, Trips, Reports ZED IN SARDEGNA